Finding Success: Get what you really want
From former U.S. Army Ranger-qualified Combat Engineer Officer, values-driven parent, and award-winning business leader Tom Eakin.

"A good dose of eye-opening, truthful, straight talk, filled with integrity, laced with love, that delivers a punch so powerful yet so full of hope" - Aimy Wombwell
"Compelling stories with practical application" - Karin Hurt
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Finding Success draws on author, Tom Eakin's, experiences as a soldier, parent and business leader to tell strikingly honest and inspiring stories that compel the reader to re-think their definition of success.
"How living a life based on Core Values provides greater happiness and satisfaction"- Danny Beyer
A genius intertwining of storytelling and exploration into the core of our human desire for success.
Every person on this planet lives in a world that confounds us with no shortage of motivating and coercive forces. Eakin presents GPS Theory to show the reader why we need each other to find real inspiration, and how to develop meaningful and mutually beneficial relationships.
A thought-provoking journey awaits; an adventure that will inspire readers to live the life they always dreamed of when they were a kid.
A thought-provoking journey awaits; an adventure that will inspire readers to live the life they always dreamed of when they were a kid.
Tired of feeling like you're not making the most of your career...your family...your team...your big idea...your life...if only you knew what to do?
Purchase Finding Success now...what you really want is waiting for you!
"How living a life based on Core Values provides greater happiness and satisfaction"- Danny Beyer
Finding Success is a huge success. In a results-oriented culture, this penetrating work explains how genuine success begins with being the person you want to be. But it's not just theory; the GPS Theory Model shows you how to identity your core vaules and live an inspired life, regardless of your circumstances. If you're looking for greater meaning, purpose, or fulfillment in your life, then Finding Success and GPS theory might be the navigation system you need to get you on the path of success.
-Leon R. Hayduchok, author of Dying to Control: The 21st Century Dilemma @LeonRHayduchok, +Leon Hayduchok, Dying to Control on Facebook
Finding Success is a must read for anyone caught in a rut or wanting to make an immediate, and meaningful, impact and achieve a more successful life. Tom's step-by-step guide shows the reader how living a life based on Core Values provides greater happiness and satisfaction even as trials and failures take place. His GPS Theory model is easy to understand and thought provoking at the same time. Are you tired of being blown through life like a paper airplane in the breeze? Take the time to read through Tom's stories and learn how to take control and live the successful life you dreamed of as a kid.
-Danny Beyer, Networking Ninja and author of Ties That Bind: Networking With Style. @DannyBeyerIA,
Finding Success combines compelling stories with practical application to encourage readers to achieve the success they most long for while staying true to their Core Values. Eakin's GPS Theory decision-making model provides new perspectives on the most stuck areas of your life's journey. A powerful and inspiring read for leaders of all ages.
-Karin Hurt, CEO, Let's Grow Leaders and author of Overcoming An Imperfect Boss.
@Lestgrowleaders, +Karin Hurt , Let's Grow Leaders on Facebook
Tom has put together an excellent resource for people wanting to first define success in their terms for their core values and then use his GPS or Guided Personal Success Theory to guide them. In this information packed book Eakin shares how when we don't follow our core values we end up off track and can lead others off track as well. With his military experience Tom has been tested as an Army Ranger more than many of the rest of us. He knows how to dig deep and accomplish big things, he will teach you how to accomplish your goals after reading Finding Success! -Tom Henricksen, Author of Cracking the Career Code and owner of, @CrackCareerCode, +Tom Henricksen, MyITCareerCoach on Facebook ISBN: 978-0-9855133-8-2 |
LCCN: 2014949029 |
Hardback: 232 pages |
Illustrations |
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